moshfegh ottessa
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There's something eerily unsettling about Ottessa Moshfegh's stories, something almost dangerous while also being delightful - and often even weirdly hilarious. Her characters are all unsteady on their feet; all yearning for connection and betterment, in very different ways, but each of them seems destined to be tripped up by their own baser impulses. What makes these stories so moving is the emotional balance that Moshfegh achieves - the way she exposes the limitless range of self-deception that human beings can employ while, at the same time, infusing the grotesque and outrageous with tenderness and compassion. The flesh is weak; the timber is crooked; people are cruel to each other, and stupid, and hurtful, but beauty comes from strange sources, and the dark energy surging through these stories is oddly and powerfully invigorating.
One of the most gifted and exciting young writers in America, she shows us uncomfortable things, and makes us look at them forensically - until we find, suddenly, that we are really looking at ourselves.
From the author of TikTok sensation My Year of Rest and Relaxation. NAMED A MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK OF 2022 BY Guardian , Harper''s Bazaar, The Times, New Statesman , Good Housekeeping & Daily Mail. In a village in a medieval fiefdom buffeted by natural disasters, a motherless shepherd boy finds himself the unlikely pivot in a power struggle that puts all manner of faith to a savage test, in a spellbinding novel that represents Ottessa Moshfegh''s most exciting leap yet Little Marek, the abused and delusional son of the village shepherd, never knew his mother; his father told him she died in childbirth. One of life''s few consolations for Marek is his enduring bond with the blind village midwife, Ina, who suckled him when he was a baby, as she did for many of the village''s children. Ina''s gifts extend beyond childcare: she possesses a unique ability to communicate with the natural world. Her gift often brings her the transmission of sacred knowledge on levels far beyond those available to other villagers, however religious they might be. For some people, Ina''s home in the woods outside the village is a place to fear and to avoid, a godless place. Among their number is Father Barnabas, the town priest and lackey for the depraved lord and governor, Villiam, whose hilltop manor contains a secret embarrassment of riches. The people''s desperate need to believe that there are powers that be who have their best interests at heart is put to a cruel test by Villiam and the priest, especially in this year of record drought and famine. But when fate brings Marek into violent proximity to the lord''s family, new and occult forces upset the old order. By year''s end, the veil between blindness and sight, life and death, the natural world and the spirit world will prove to be very thin indeed.
VINTAGE CLASSICS'' AMERICAN GOTHIC SERIES Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics.
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE* **FROM THE AUTHOR OF TIKTOK SENSATION MY YEAR OF REST AND RELAXATION** Trapped between caring for her alcoholic father and her job as a secretary at the boys'' prison, Eileen Dunlop dreams of escaping to the big city.
In the meantime, her nights and weekends are filled with shoplifting and cleaning up her increasingly deranged father''s messes.
When the beautiful, charismatic Rebecca Saint John arrives on the scene as the new counsellor at the prison, Eileen is enchanted, unable to resist what appears to be a miraculously budding friendship. But soon, Eileen''s affection for Rebecca pull her into a crime that far surpasses even her own wild imagination.
''Fully lives up to the hype. A taut psychological thriller, rippled with comedy as black as a raven''s wing, Eileen is effortlessly stylish and compelling'' The Times *SHORTLISTED FOR THE CWA NEW BLOOD DAGGER AWARD* -
Shortlisted for the 2016 Man Booker Prize and chosen by David Sedaris as his recommended book for his Fall 2016 tour. So here we are. My name was Eileen Dunlop. Now you know me. I was twenty-four years old then, and had a job that paid fifty-seven dollars a week as a kind of secretary at a private juvenile correctional facility for teenage boys. I think of it now as what it really was for all intents and purposes--a prison for boys. I will call it Moorehead. Delvin Moorehead was a terrible landlord I had years later, and so to use his name for such a place feels appropriate. In a week, I would run away from home and never go back. This is the story of how I disappeared. The Christmas season offers little cheer for Eileen Dunlop, an unassuming yet disturbed young woman trapped between her role as her alcoholic fathers caretaker in a home whose squalor is the talk of the neighborhood and a day job as a secretary at the boys prison, filled with its own quotidian horrors. Consumed by resentment and self-loathing, Eileen tempers her dreary days with perverse fantasies and dreams of escaping to the big city. In the meantime, she fills her nights and weekends with shoplifting, stalking a buff prison guard named Randy, and cleaning up her increasingly deranged fathers messes. When the bright, beautiful, and cheery Rebecca Saint John arrives on the scene as the new counselor at Moorehead, Eileen is enchanted and proves unable to resist what appears at first to be a miraculously budding friendship. In a Hitchcockian twist, her affection for Rebecca ultimately pulls her into complicity in a crime that surpasses her wildest imaginings. Played out against the snowy landscape of coastal New England in the days leading up to Christmas, young Eileens story is told from the gimlet-eyed perspective of the now much older narrator. Creepy, mesmerizing, and sublimely funny, in the tradition of Shirley Jackson and early Vladimir Nabokov, this powerful debut novel enthralls and shocks, and introduces one of the most original new voices in contemporary literature. Ottessa Moshfegh is also the author of My Year of Rest and Relaxation , Homesick for Another World: Stories, and McGlue .
B>b>Named a Most Anticipated Book of 2020 by: /b>b>The Washington Post/b>b>, /b>b>Vogue/b>b>, /b>b>Marie Claire/b>b>, /b>b>Entertainment Weekly/b>b>, The Millions, /b>b>New York Magazine/b>b>, /b>b>Paste Magazine/b>b>, LitHub, E! News Online, and many more/b>br>br>From one of our most ceaselessly provocative literary talents, a novel of haunting metaphysical suspense about an elderly widow whose life is upturned when she finds an ominous note on a walk in the woods./b>br>br>While on her daily walk with her dog in a secluded woods, a woman comes across a note, handwritten and carefully pinned to the ground by stones. "Her name was Magda. Nobody will ever know who killed her. It wasn''t me. Here is her dead body." But there is no dead body. Our narrator is deeply shaken; she has no idea what to make of this. She is new to this area, alone after the death of her husband, and she knows no>br>Becoming obsessed with solving this mystery, our narrator imagines who Magda was and how she met her fate. With very little to go on, she invents a list of murder suspects and possible motives for the crime. Oddly, her suppositions begin to find correspondences in the real world, and with mounting excitement and dread, the fog of mystery starts to fade into menacing certainty. As her investigation widens, strange dissonances accrue, perhaps associated with the darkness in her own past; we must face the prospect that there is either an innocent explanation for all this or a much more sinister>br>A triumphant blend of horror, suspense, and pitch-black comedy, Death in Her Hands asks us to consider how the stories we tell ourselves both reflect the truth and keep us blind to it. Once again, we are in the hands of a narrator whose unreliability is well earned, and the stakes have never been higher.
La mort entre ses mains
Ottessa Moshfegh
- Le Livre De Poche
- Litterature
- 17 Janvier 2024
- 9782253243298
Au lever du soleil, alors qu'elle promène son chien dans la forêt, Vesta tombe sur un message écrit à la main, maintenu au sol par quelques cailloux. « Elle s'appelait Magda. Personne ne saura jamais qui l'a tuée. Ce n'est pas moi. Voici son cadavre. » Mais autour d'elle, nulle trace d'un crime. Vesta n'a bientôt plus qu'une obsession : résoudre ce mystère. Qui était Magda ? Et qui l'a tuée ? À mesure que son enquête avance, les dissonances s'accumulent, peut-être liées aux zones d'ombre de son propre passé... Mélange singulier de polar et de comédie grinçante, le nouveau roman d'Ottessa Moshfegh met en scène une poursuite enfiévrée où l'on ne sait plus très bien qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie, et livre une oeuvre magistrale sur les écueils de la solitude.
Ottessa Moshfegh a un oeil d'une cruauté inouïe, une prose à la fois blanche et hantée. Le Figaro littéraire.
Plus ça avance, plus on frissonne. Et, dans le fond, une question féroce et enivrante. Libération.
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Clément Baude. -
Mon année de repos et de détente
Ottessa Moshfegh
- Le Livre De Poche
- Documents
- 12 Janvier 2022
- 9782253103929
« J'avais commencé à hiberner tant bien que mal à la mi-juin de l'an 2000. J'avais vingt-six ans. Très vite, j'ai pris des cachets à haute dose et je dormais jour et nuit, avec des pauses de deux à trois heures. Je trouvais ça bien. Je faisais enfin quelque chose qui comptait vraiment. Le sommeil me semblait productif. » Jeune, belle, riche, fraîchement diplômée de l'université de Columbia, la narratrice de ce roman décide de tout plaquer pour entamer une longue hibernation en s'assommant de somnifères. Avec les tribulations de cette Oblomov de la génération Y qui somnole d'un bout à l'autre du récit, Ottessa Moshfegh s'attaque à sa manière, lucide et pleine d'humour, aux travers de son temps.Sombre, drôle, subversif. Nelly Kaprièlian, Les Inrockuptibles.Décapant. Bruno Corty, Le Figaro littéraire.Une petite bombe. Marguerite Baux, Grazia.Grinçant et magnifique. Clémentine Goldszal, Elle.Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Clément Baude.
Nostalgie d'un autre monde
Ottessa Moshfegh
- Le Livre De Poche
- Litterature
- 18 Janvier 2023
- 9782253103936
Dans « Élévation », Ottessa Moshfegh brosse le portrait d'une jeune professeure aux habitudes révoltantes et, dans « Monsieur Wu », celui d'un vieux voyeur esseulé qui prend son courage à deux mains pour aborder la femme nichée au creux de ses fantasmes. « Un meilleur endroit » met en scène une petite fille convaincue qu'elle vient d'un autre monde et qu'elle doit tuer la bonne personne pour pouvoir y retourner...
Les héros des nouvelles subversives et implacables rassemblées dans Nostalgie d'un autre monde ont tous un point commun : ils ont pris un mauvais virage. Instables, pétris de défauts et d'incertitudes, ils expérimentent le désir, l'obsession, la solitude, l'amour et l'échec, tout en aspirant à se reconnecter au monde qui les entoure.L'écrivaine américaine confirme son talent d'observatrice de nos modes de vie contemporains, de la solitude et de la mélancolie qui en découlent. Lire.Une réflexion abrupte sur le vide de notre condition humaine. Les Échos.Nouvelles traduites de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Clément Baude. -
Une femme se souvient avec un cynisme minutieux de la semaine qui a fait basculer sa vie cinquante ans plus tôt. En 1964, alors âgée de vingt-quatre ans, elle vit avec son père alcoolique dans une maison délabrée, près de Boston, et travaille comme agent d'accueil dans une prison pour délinquants mineurs. Elle subit cette existence sinistre avec un mélange d'impuissance, de colère et de haine - contre elle-même surtout. L'arrivée d'une fascinante jeune femme fraîche émoulue de Harvard et chargée de mission auprès des détenus joue un rôle de détonateur.Un roman à la construction rigoureuse et à l'écriture incisive, où la tension devient peu à peu insoutenable.Une magistrale étude de caractère, marquée par la soif de liberté, la cruauté et la revanche sociale. Macha Séry, Le Monde des livres.Un compte à rebours orchestré de main de maître. Laetitia Favro, Le Journal du dimanche.Prix PEN/Hemingway Award et finaliste du Man Booker Prize.Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Françoise du Sorbier.
Marek, fils de berger fanatique et crasseux, n'a jamais rencontré sa mère. Difforme, battu par son père Jude, ignoré des habitants de Lapvona, il trouve le réconfort auprès d'Ina, sa vieille nourrice aveugle. Celle-ci, guérisseuse capable de communiquer avec les oiseaux, suscite la crainte et la fascination des autres villageois, qui évitent sa cabane dans la forêt voisine.
Lors d'une escapade sur les hauteurs du village, Marek tue l'héritier du richissime Villiam par accident. Pour se dédommager, le seigneur du village décrète l'adoption du jeune meurtrier. Une existence nouvelle, dominée par le luxe et l'irréligion, se profile pour Marek alors que la sécheresse et la famine s'abattent sur Lapvona.
Lapvona imagine un monde médiéval et grand-guignolesque peuplé de figures tour à tour pathétiques, vulgaires, grotesques et terrifiantes, où la violence règne en maîtresse et où l'avidité fait loi. Une autopsie du fonds de cruauté qui dort en chacun de nous, quelles que soient la région et l'époque historique dans lesquelles il s'exerce.
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Clément Baude -
A shocking, hilarious and strangely tender novel about a young woman's experiment in narcotic hibernation, aided and abetted by one of the worst psychiatrists in the annals of literature. Our narrator has many of the advantages of life. Young, thin, pretty, a recent Columbia graduate, she lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan paid for, like everything else, by her inheritance.
From the Booker-shortlisted author of Eileen, a novel of haunting metaphysical suspense While on her daily walk with her dog in the nearby woods, our protagonist comes across a note, handwritten and carefully pinned to the ground with stones. Her name was Magda. Nobody will ever know who killed her. It wasn''t me. Here is her dead body. Shaky even on her best days, she is also alone, and new to this area, having moved here from her long-time home after the death of her husband, and now deeply alarmed. Her brooding about the note grows quickly into a full-blown obsession, as she explores multiple theories about who Magda was and how she met her fate. Her suppositions begin to find echoes in the real world, and the fog of mystery starts to form into a concrete and menacing shape. But is there either a more innocent explanation for all this, or a much more sinister one - one that strikes closer to home? In this triumphant blend of horror, suspense, and pitch-black comedy, we must decide whether the stories we tell ourselves guide us closer to the truth or keep us further from it. **AN EVENING STANDARD BEST BOOK TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2020**
Ottessa Moshfegh is a fiction writer from New England. Eileen, her first novel, was shortlisted for the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Man Booker Prize, and won the PEN/Hemingway Award for debut fiction. My Year of Rest and Relaxation and Death in Her Hands, her second and third novels, were New York Times bestsellers. She is also the author of the short story collection Homesick for Another World and a novella, McGlue. She lives in Southern California.>