Sabahattin Ali
La force de Sabahattin Ali, au delà de ses mots, provient de son sens de l'observation, sa perspicacité et son combat pour une société plus juste. Ce sont tous ces éléments qui permettent à sa voix de continuer à résonner aujourd'hui.
Ces quatre contes - La Mort des Géants, Un Conte d'Amour, Un Conte de Moutons et Le Pavillon de Verre - ont été publiés en 1947 dans le recueil Sirça Ko?k [Le Pavillon de Verre]. Lorsque Sabahattin Ali rédigeait ces contes, la toute jeune république Turque peinait encore à établir une démocratie : il n'existait alors qu'un seul parti politique. En 1948, le Conseil des Ministres acta l'interdiction de la circulation de Sirça Ko?k, ainsi les exemplaires restants furent confisqués. Même après sa mort Sabahattin Ali avait été désigné comme un auteur dangereux, de ce fait aucune maison d'édition n'osa publier ses oeuvres pendant de longues années.
Presque quarte-vingt ans plus tard, ces contes politiques et sociaux n'ont pas perdu leur pertinence. Est-ce un témoignage de l'esprit visionnaire de Sabahattin Ali, ou bien d'un manque de vision de nos sociétés? -
Les jours sont sans fin, sont sans fin.
Dans ce livret sont réunis les 5 Chants Pénitentiaires composés par Sabahattin Ali en 1932-1933 dans la prison de Konya puis celle de Sinop, en Turquie.
Bu kitapçik Sabahattin Ali'nin 1932-1933 senelerinde once Konya, sonra Sinop hapishanesinde kaleme aldi 5 Hapishane Sarkisi'ni içerir.
Geçmiyor günler, geçmiyor
(édition bilingue) -
The power of Sabahattin Ali comes from beyond his words. It is his sense of observation, insight and commitment to fight for a fairer society that have carried his voice into the modern day.
The four tales in this book - Death of the Giants, A Tale of Love, A Tale of Sheep and The Glass Pavilion - were compiled and published in Sirça Ko?k [The Glass Pavilion] in 1947. At the time Sabahattin Ali penned these tales, the young Turkish Republic was still struggling to establish a proper democracy with one sole party in parliament. In 1948 the Turkish Council of Ministers decided to ban Sirça Ko?k, and all remaining copies were swiftly confiscated. Even after his death, the words of Sabahattin Ali were deemed as a governmental threat and for decades publishers were reluctant to print his work.
Almost eighty years later, these political and social tales remain just as poignant. Does this showcase Sabahattin Ali's visionary spirit or a general lack of vision within our societies? -
The days won't go by, won't go by.
This booklet is a collection of 5 Prison Songs written by Sabahattin Ali in 1932-1933 whilst imprisoned in Konya and Sinop, Turkey.
Bu kitapçik Sabahattin Ali'nin 1932-1933 senelerinde once Konya sonra Sinop hapishanesinde kaleme aldigi 5 Hapishane Sarkisi içerir.
Geçmiyor günler, geçmiyor.
(bilingual edition) -
Sabahattin Ali (1907-1948) was born in the Ottoman town of Egridere (now Ardino in southern Bulgaria). A teacher, novelist, short-story writer and journalist, he owned and edited a popular weekly newspaper called Marko Pasa. He is admired f